This tutorial is inspired from the following video:
I will use the version elk.3.3.17 which I have got 2 years ago which it works for me ( I have tried with the last version elk-7.2.42 but I haven't succeded to install it ).
First, we need to add the path to the ~/.bashrc file
#---------Elk path----------------------------------
export ELKROOT=/home/algerien/abinitio/elk-3.3.17/bin
It's better to create a directory called bin and put the executables and the utilities inside it
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/elk-3.3.17> mkdir bin
You can download this version from the following link:
To install the elk code follow the following steps:
* Extracting the tar package elk-3.3.17.tgz
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio> tar -xvf elk-3.3.17.tgz
* Change to root directory
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio> cd elk-3.3.17
* Execute setup ( or ./setup )
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/elk-3.3.17> ./setup
Choose compiler:
1. Intel Fortran (ifort) with OpenMP
2. GNU Fortran (gfortran) with OpenMP
3. Portland Group Fortran (pgf90) with OpenMP
4. G95 (g95)
5. NAG Fortran (nagfor)
6. IBM Fortran (xlf90_r) with OpenMP
20. Intel Fortran profiling (debug only)
21. GNU Fortran code check (debug only)
22. G95 code check (debug only)
o. Other x. Exit
It's better to choose gfortran compiler
You can now edit the compiler options in '' to use optimised
BLAS/LAPACK/FFT libraries, MPI parallelisation and Libxc.
See the Elk manual for details.
Then run 'make' to compile the code.
To enable syntax highlighting in vim run 'make vim
* Compile using make all
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/elk-3.3.17> cd src
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/elk-3.3.17/src> make all
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/algerien-1970/soft/elk-3.3.17/src'
cd BLAS; make; cp blas.a ..
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/algerien-1970/soft/elk-3.3.17/src/BLAS'
gfortran -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fopenmp -c dasum.f
gfortran -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fopenmp -c daxpy.f
l.o r3frac.o r3mv.o r3cross.o r3minv.o r3mm.o
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/algerien-1970/soft/elk-3.3.17/src/spacegroup'
( if you get this last message thus your installation has succeded )
Testing the success of the installation:
algerien1970@linux-ml0a:~/abinitio/elk-3.3.17> make test
cd tests; ./
Running test in directory test-001...
Running test in directory test-002...
Running test in directory test-003...
Running test in directory test-004...
Running test in directory test-016...
Running test in directory test-017...
Running test in directory test-018...
The installation is ok
Now, we will copy the executable elk to the created directory bin
> sudo cp /home/algerien/abinitio/elk-3.3.17/src/elk /home/algerien/abinitio/elk-3.3.17/bin/elk